Tyndale Community School

Aim high and reach out together!

Special Educational Needs

Our Vision of Special Educational Needs (SEN)

At Tyndale Community School, we believe everyone is a VIP. Every child is unique and we work in partnership with the child and parents to put into place any necessary support to help children achieve their next steps. We work hard to ensure that all children have appropriate access to learning and believe that this encompasses every aspect of a child’s wellbeing, not simply academic success. We recognise that at different times in our lives we have more obstacles than at others. We believe in early identification of need, whether that is learning English for the first time, a medical need, a specific learning difficulty, a situation at home or a child working beyond the usual age expectations.

All children are special and all children deserve a good education, whatever particular needs they have.

SENCO (ID 1134)


What We Do

We strive to ensure that we do our best to remove the barriers to your child's learning through many different means, including but not limited to:-

  • Quality first teaching
  • Regularly updated individualised support profiles
  • Engagement with the pupil's family
  • Small groups utilising proven interventions (e.g. Mylexia, Number First, ELSA and Accelerated Reader)
  • Pupil progress meetings and progress tracking
  • Additional support measures in standardised tests (including during SATs)
  • Collaboration with external agencies to both enhance our teachers' provision and to work individually with pupils
  • A SEN-friendly classroom environment, including but not limited to visual timetables, processing time and areas of retreat
  • Our fully-trained ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) member of staff who has close ties with CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services)
  • All staff are trained in the Zones of Regulation to support children's emotional development
  • Physical resources to support in class, e.g. ear defenders and large tri-grip pencils
  • Our entire school is wheelchair-accessible

We experience providing for a wide range of SEN requirements encompassing: communication and interaction needs (e.g. autism spectrum disorders); cognition and learning needs (e.g. dyslexia); sensory and physical needs (e.g. hearing impairments); and social, emotional and mental health difficulties (e.g. ADHD). Please do get in touch with our SENCO Kasi Prince, if you have a more specific enquiry who can tell you more.

SEN policy and information report

Government SEND code of Practice:
Local offer: