School Uniform
At Tyndale Community School, we are proud to be purple! Whatever the race, religion or gender of a child, we come together to form one school community. We wear a uniform together to remind us that we are all connected. We also wear our uniform outside of school with pride.
From the Feet Up....
Shoes: Comfortable but Black with Flat Heels
Trousers: Grey or Black
Shirt: White polo shirt, white t-shirt or white buttoned up shirt
Top: Purple V-neck sweatshirt or Purple cardigan (preferably with school logo)
Dresses and Skirts: Lilac Summer Dress or grey dress/skirt, preferably with grey, white or black leggings or tights.
Religious Wear: Hijabs are welcome, of course.
For PE Days:
Trainers (any colour).
Plain white t-shirt
school jumper or cardigan